Our flavor profiles aren't the only thing that's balanced about us. (I'm talking about our chakras...)
While we're not immersed in crafting sick beers, we're pretty big into yoga, and Priya Yoga, one of our favorite spots to get our stretch on and our chakras aligned, is turning 1.
In our books, that's drinking age! (Disclaimer: This applies to establishments only. Please do not serve beer to people who are one year old.)
Instructor Liz Rule and yoga enthusiast (and Priya mainstay) DJ Royale will host a 75-minute, music-driven Vinyasa flow class.
Once you're good and sweaty, DJ Royale will crank up the jams in the lobby for a dance party. Mingle with fellow yogis and sip some healthful Dock Street Beer to celebrate a great class and a great year.
Yoga + Party is $25 per person before 11/2 ($30 after 11/2)
Party only is $15 per person.
(*10% off for Autopay Members)