FALL MARKET w/live music with The Fourth Son
List of Vendors:
Herbal Jawn: Apothecary @herbaljawn
Pure Bliss: Home Decor @pureblisshomedecor
Brixxy & co: Dog Bandanas @brixxyandco
Little Devils: Vintage Jewelry & clothes @littledevilscuriosities
Robyn & Lauren: Soy Wax Candles @2amcreators
CM & Nora and Jean: Clothing & Jewelry @the.cm.collective & @noraandjean
Bambino Glass: Handblown Glassware @bambinoglassware
Shop Eighty6: Vintage goods & jewelry @shop.eighty6
Sxthdegree: Design & Fashion @sxthdegree
Julie: Nature & Crafted Textiles @juiceboxworkshop & @juliesjuicebox
Greenly Plant Co: Plants @greenlyplantco
Shelisha: Earrings @shop.noshadeco
Ashley Rossi: Crystals etc @philly_crystalz
John Scott: Printed Images @newandwesley
EboniJoi: Beauty, Cosmetics & Personal Care @nooked.us
The Fourth Son Live Performance 12pm - 4pm