• Dock Street Cannery (map)
  • 705 South 50th Street
  • Philadelphia PA 19143
  • USA

Spring is springing, and so too should new ideas and that creative flow. In that spirit, pile into our garage brewery/bar to hear some of the top writers in town read from their published and unpublished work. Afterward, stick around for the open mic, where neighbors share their own writing. It’s a safe space for first-timers and repeat readers, alike. Print it out, read from your cell phone, just read to us.



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Chris Clarke grew up in Western Canada and currently lives in West Philly. His translations include work by Ryad Girod (forthcoming, Transit Books), Pierre Mac Orlan (Wakefield Press), and François Caradec (MIT Press). His translation of Marcel Schwob’s Imaginary Lives was awarded the French-American Foundation Translation Prize for fiction in 2019, and his translation of Nobel Prize winner Patrick Modiano's In the Café of Lost Youth was a finalist for the same award in 2017. Chris is a doctoral candidate in French at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, where his dissertation examines the role of translation in the career of French novelist and poet Raymond Queneau. He is currently retranslating a novel by Queneau to be published by NYRB Classics in 2022. Chris has been a member of the international creative translation collective Outranspo since 2014.

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Jaime Fountaine was raised by "wolves." She's the author of Manhunt (Mason Jar Press, 2019) and a co-host of the Tire Fire Reading Series at Tattooed Mom.

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Nathan Alling Long's work appears in over a hundred publications and their collection of 50 short fictions,The Origin of Doubt (2018), was selected as a finalist for a Lambda Literary award. The recipient of a Truman Capote fellowship, Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers Conference scholarships, and three Pushcart nominations, Nathan lives in Philadelphia and teaches creative writing at Stockton University.


Teresa Miller is an actor and playwright based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is a third-year member of The Foundry@PlayPenn. Her plays include The Illinois Five Fringe Festival 2015; The Last Act staged reading Pulley and Buttonhole Theatre Company June 2019; Battman and Jesus staged reading Plays and Players for the Foundry @PlayPenn July 2019; Ring Shout! 2019 Philadelphia Women’s Theatre Festival and the founding member of Jouska PlayWorks. She is honored to be a part Creative at the Cannery