• dock street south (map)
  • 2118 Washington Avenue
  • Philadelphia, PA, 19146
  • United States

¡Si, Si, Si!

You know how Dock Street has a sister spirits company, Dock Street Spirits? (You did know that, right?)

Well, we make an award-winning mezcal called Vicio in Oaxaca, Mexico, and of course while we’re down there hanging with our mezcaleros and working on new batches, we make some friends. One of these pals, mezcal expert and Vicio Ambassador Salvador Periban, will be in Philadelphia this weekend, so we’re throwing a bash at Dock Street South to celebrate Vicio, Salvador, and Oaxaca and to introduce our neighbors and regulars to our wonderful mezcal!

Salvador will be on hand talking about the process, the flavors, the history, and any and everything you’d ever want to know about Mezcal. We’ll have some delicioso cocktails (and neat pours for true seekers of smokiness), plus food specials and great music bumping. Come hang, sip and talk!


He's baaaaack! Come party with this guy, our Mexico City-based Brand Ambassador, actual mezcal expert/genius, and personal hero, Salvador.