The U.S. Men's Soccer Team will face off against Argentina, the No. 1-ranked team in the world, on Tuesday in the Copa América Semifinals, and we'll be screening it on our projector here at Dock Street beginning at 9pm.

The two teams will square off following the USA victory against Ecuador (1-0) last Thursday, while Argentina beat Venezuela 4-1 on Saturday. 

Yes, Argentina is, technically, the top team in the world. But the Men's U.S. team has been consistently killing it, and is rendering the country a major force in soccer - something that the country hasn't been able to say until recently. Even so, it will be a big challenge to beat Argentina with suspensions handed to Bobby Wood and Alejandro Bedoya. 

In any case, it's sure to be an amazing match to watch on the big screen, made even better with Dock Street beer (or several) and a wood-fired, hand tossed pizza (or several). 

Before the match, catch a screening of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Hoppiness, part of Philly Philm's multi-segment docu-series about beer in Philadelphia and how it, without a doubt, shaped US history. As Philadelphia's first microbrewery, Dock Street - and co-founder Rosemarie Certo - will be making a cameo in the segment.