Dock Street SPXSWP 2020 Art Fest Postponed - Stay Tuned for New Date Announcement Soon (Hopefully) — Dock Street Brewery

Dear Artists + Creatives,

It's with great sadness, but with much caution, that we have decided to postpone our inaugural Dock Street SPXSWP Arts Jawn. The safety of our guests, staff, and participating artists, musicians, writers and performers is our top priority and concern during this time. 

This is not a cancellation, but a postponement. As progress is made on the containment of COVID-19, our team will work to reschedule SPXSWP for an appropriate time. Dock Street remains inspired by the abundance of creativity that this great city and its people have to offer. We truly cannot wait to showcase your talent.

You will not need to reapply - the selections for semi-finalists are locked in; all that is changing are the dates. We will be in touch in the near future with updates on the festival. Until then, please stay safe and healthy and keep making great art!


Rosemarie, Marilyn, Renata, Sasha, Matt and Hannah

Dock Street Cannery crowd outside.jpg

