Some thoughts on this 4th of July. — Dock Street Brewery

Dock Street is proudly woman-owned. We stand dumbfounded in the recent decision our Supreme Court had made. We’ve marched. We’ve voted. We’ve fundraised. We’ve celebrated a woman in the White House. We’ve decried crooked politicians and presidents. We’ve cried. We’ve yelled. We’ve spoken out. We’ve silently reflected. We’ve read, researched, and debated. We’ve educated. We’ve been educated. We don’t know what else to do. We feel disrespected, disregarded, disgusted, and helpless. But strangely, not hopeless. We continue to look for something to grab ahold of that can prove that when we say “land of the free,” that means ALL of us have freedom - including Women and people with a uterus, LGBTQIA, Black and AAPI folks and everyone that is feeling like we’re not being looked out for. Comments are off because if you agree with us, we feel your love and we’ll see it in the nods and smiles at our bar or in passing in the neighborhood. If you don’t agree with us, you’ve already had plenty of time and space to make that known and plenty of loud and powerful voices behind you and we frankly don’t want to hear from you. This 4th of July we’re going to spend time with family and friends celebrating our Founding MOTHERS and the LGBTQIA and POC heroes past and present that are the backbone of this country and who are dedicated to some day making this country a safe, prosperous place for all.

