Black Lives Matter — Dock Street Brewery

Dock Street Brewing Co. stands with our black neighbors and community. You are loved. You are seen. You are deeply cared about. You are our priority.

There is so much work to be done to change the systemic problems that we recognize we as a business and as individuals are a part of and benefit from daily, and that task isn’t one that we can post about today, work on this week, and then forget about. This will be a daily, hourly work in progress that we will be committed to until equality, respect, compassion and kindness are the baseline, not the exception.

Here is some of what Dock Street Brewing Company is going to do and continue to do, effective immediately:

LISTEN to black voices in our community. Really listen. Hear.

SPEAK OUT loudly against racism, hate, and intolerance from the smallest act to the biggest.

Keep putting black people in positions of leadership and visibility within our business and company and in our community and government, and serve as an example for others to do the same.

Seek out and work with more black-owned suppliers and vendors.

Ramp up efforts to support black artists, musicians, writers, and creatives - Pre-pandemic, there was always a beer can release, art opening, live music, reading, comedy night, movie night, etc at Dock Street West, Dock Street South and Dock Street Cannery. We’ll continue to make sure that black people are given a safe space, freedom and attention to express themselves artistically within our walls and beyond, as well as the physical space on our can labels, walls, and on our stages to do so.

Donate to causes that uplift the black community and help to end injustice, the jail cycle, and the myriad other issues that are the result of a system, made and perpetuated by white people, that benefits white people and systematically oppresses people of color. And share ways for our community to donate and volunteer as well.

Check in with our black friends, neighbors and family members to make sure they are okay and thriving. 

Just generally do better. West Philly deserves all this and more.


Image via BLACK LIVES MATTER on Facebook. Click the link or the image to go to their page.

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