Make your mark on Dock Street! This month is YOUR CHANCE to have your original quote used on our can labels - just let us know that #DockStreetCanQuoteMe
Have you noticed the quotes on our can labels? They're deep, silly, and honor the brewing process. And the next one could be yours - through December you'll have the chance to submit original (family-friendly) quotes that you think should emblazon a fresh can release (beer to be announced later this month). Here's how it works:
1. Post a photo including Dock Street Beer on social media & tag us in it.
2. Caption the photo with your original quote and use the hashtag #DockStreetCanQuoteMe
The top submissions will be voted on by our panel of brewers. The winner will be announced at the end of the month & will have their quote printed onto the label and our cans of beer, which the winner will receive a case of! (Runner up will receive honorable mention & a Dock Street T-shirt).